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Reverse biological clock; keep women young. Extract of soya and Chinese yam replenishes women’ “youth elements”; reverses biological clock.

  • Replenishes nutrients essential to women • Keeps breasts firm and tight • Prevents and reduces discomfort and stress from aging • Strengthens bones, reduces calcium loss • Regulates cycles of period
  • Reduces bloating • Sweetens relationships and marriages • Beautifies skin • Reduces anxiety • Improves sleep quality
  • Soya extract, Chinese yam extract.
  • Pre-menopause: Take 2-3 capsules daily During menopause: Take 3-6 capsules daily Post-menopause: Take 3-4 capsules daily People with special needs may adjust the amount of capsules and consume with balanced diet, please ask our Health Consultants for more information.
  • Soya extract – the fundamental of youth for women Isoflavones is a phytoestrogen, and is the youth element. It has very similar structure to human estrogen which acts against skin ageing, sagging breasts and various menopause issues. Isoflavones have multiple benefits, including strengthening bones, maintaining cardiovascular health and antioxidising.